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Purple Seahorse
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What we do


Purple Seahorse is committed to empowering your organisation by effectively engaging both your supporters and staff to unlock its full potential. We provide a dedicated and professional consultancy service tailored to charities, not-for-profits, social enterprises, higher-education institutions, and community interest companies.

Man and woman in a modern office setting. They have brightly coloured folders and are looking at some paperwork.

Supporter care

At the heart of every Purple Seahorse project you will find the supporter. Whether you’ve brought us on board specifically to look after supporter services and donation processing, or whether we’re running an event or fundraising on your behalf, developing the dedication of your supporters to your cause is the foundation of what we do.

Two women standing at a laptop in an office.

Event Management

From gala dinners to mud filled festivals, donor cultivation to campaign stunts, we have the experience to bring your event to life. Contributing creativity and attention to detail throughout event administration and delivery, your organisational objectives are in safe hands and your supporters will enjoy a wonderful experience.

Three people clapping at a presentation.


Purple Seahorse is different to many other fundraising consultancies. We provide a fundraiser with all round fundraising experience – someone with knowledge and insight who can work to develop or deliver your fundraising strategy while maintaining a big picture view, whether working on one stream or department wide.

Smiling man in a suit on stage at a charity event.

Hands on help

Sometimes you just need more hands! Whether it’s operational challenges, change management, a team in need of support or just a desire for a short term capacity boost, Purple Seahorse can help. No job is too big or too small. Need a pair of fresh eyes for a day? Require some longer-term interim support? Please, just ask!

A group of charity volunteers in matching t-shirts. They are gardening and one lady is holding a tree in a pot.